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everything turns around if you are pleased by 2Lon Open Beta 2project

Intro. Out of the Earth : A witch hat-shaped rocket entering into Earth's atmosphere. A beach getting closer through a window of the rocket. A hiphop beats from a glowing smartphone grabs the attention of the circular and green-translucent alien. The thing picks up the phone with a grin on its face. 

Alien captain  
The only thing that remains - Conquer Earth!
Alien subordinateThere are a few ugly things spread all over the beach.
Alien captainGo check it out!

copyright © 2021 all right deserved

니얼 마스크 l (외국에서는) 2Lon mask l Made by Playful lab in KOREA TECH

OWNER 이동열  l  COMPANY (주)코리아테크  l TEL. 080-555-8800

ADDRESS (06103) 서울 강남구 봉은사로49길 12 (논현동) 코리아테크빌딩

BUSINESS LICENSE 137-81-57819  l  통신판매업신고번호 2015-서울강남-00359

니얼 마스크  l (외국에서는) 2Lon mask  l  Made by Playful lab in KOREA TECH

OWNER 이동열  l  COMPANY (주)코리아테크  l  ADDRESS (06103) 서울특별시 강남구 봉은사로49길 12 (논현동) 코리아테크 빌딩  

TEL. 02-3409-2104 l  BUSINESS LICENSE 137-81-57819  l  통신판매업신고번호 2015-서울강남-00359